We’ve Been Open a Year Already?

Monday was Kindred’s 1 year anniversary. It’s hard to put in to words how grateful I am. Starting a new practice in a pandemic was scary. I remember asking my business coach “Am I nuts?” bur with true wisdom she told me life is full of surprises and the future will always be unpredictable. “There is no perfect time! You’ve put in the hard work, know your mission and have people to serve! When you look back on this time in your life, what story do you want to be told from it? There was a reoccurring theme in my family at the time when the world felt dark and heavy that instead of wondering why this was happening to everyone right now, we would shift the focus to “what is our purpose in all of this?” Why were we chosen to be here for a time such as this and how do we make the biggest impact? 

As small as this little practice is in the scheme of things, most of our brightest spots in the last year came out if it. Sharing and walking along side people in times of change in their lives, extra stress, moving, getting news of a scary diagnosis, working from home, teaching kids at home, having babies and making health changes in their household has brought so much hope and healing. So many big conversations were had in that little adjusting room.

I don’t take it lightly that you have chosen to be here and to be part of our story. I’m humbled that you’ve let me walk along side you and be a small part of your health journey.

Kindred is a space where you can show up however you are in that moment. Whether your family is on maintenance and you’ve learned the benefits of adding chiropractic in to your regular wellness routine or you are struggling to find answers and know that your body (or your child’s body) is not expressing life the way that you know it can or hope that it can. We would love the chance to serve you! 

Looking forward to year number 2! And rumor has it that way just added the cutest little shop Puppy 😉


Happy New Year