Culturing Dairy Class - July 24th

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Let's make yogurt together! Come join us for an in-person class on culturing dairy taught by Hollie Bigham of Be Well Clinic. Learn the basics of why and how to create cultured dairy such as yogurt, creme fraiche and sour cream, and take home your own homemade yogurt that you will create in class!

We will be using A2/A2 raw milk obtained from a dairy farm in Longmont. If you do not have your own raw milk to bring, we ask for a $7 donation for the class, which will allow you to go home with 1/2 gallon of yogurt. For questions regarding raw milk please visit or feel free to ask us!

Other equipment and yogurt starter will be supplied.

Please RSVP by 7/14 so that we can make sure we have enough supplies for everyone.


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